Next Folder Automation Suite
Semi-automatic formatting and reviewing of files via one central platform.

What’s in it for you
The Next Folder Automation Suite means an efficient process for you in the layout of (folder) documents. The semi-automatic layout process ensures shorter lead times and reduction of layout costs. In the semi-automatic layout process, a DTP specialist looks at the layout of the document. This gives the possibility to add creativity. By posting sticky notes, each stakeholder provides feedback. The admin exports all comments for the correction round. With usergroups it is possible to hook up stakeholders in phases or to give groups access to certain pages of the document.

User roles and rights
Not all features and content are relevant to all users. The administrator determines the available functionalities for each user using the roles and rights system. This means that the user only has the tools that are relevant to him or her. By linking content to user groups, the administrator shows content to a selective group of reviewers. The rights can be set up on page level. The manager also has the option of involving stakeholders in phases, and linking other reviewers per review round.

Sticky notes
Every reviewer, assigned to a file or page has the option to post comments. This can be done by adding comments or sticky notes. It is possible to enable reviewers to respond to comments from other reviewers.
Semi-auto formatting
The basis for the layout is an Excel file with all basic data. We run the Excel file in our tool and manually add the finishing touches.
Version control
After the first correction round, the admin uploads the new version of the folder. The admin again links the reviewers to the file and the pages.
At the end of each review round, the administrator downloads all comments. The comments are the briefing for the next round of corrections.